Xiaochen Du

Xiaochen Du

Xiaochen Du

Room 1.08
Ashworth Laboratories II

Phone: +44 (0) 7529773766

Email: X.Du-20[at]sms.ed.ac.uk

Education Background

2019-Present PhD student, Institute of Infection and Immunology Research, The University of Edinburgh
Project: Host-bacteria communication via extracellular RNAs in the gut

2014-2018 MSc in Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Project:The mechanism of bacteria antibiotic resistance

2010-2014 BSc in School of Life Science, Agricultural University of Hebei Province

Research Interests

I am interested in using sRNA sequencing and biochemical approaches to build mechanistic understanding on whether and how mouse small RNA sequences can directly interact with bacterial genes and to identify the bacterial species that are targeted in the gut.


Du, X., Bayliss, S. C., Feil, E. J., Liu, Y., Wang, C., Zhang, G., … & Feng, J. (2019). Real time monitoring of Aeromonas salmonicida evolution in response to successive antibiotic therapies in a commercial fish farm. Environmental microbiology, 21(3), 1113-1123.

Wang, W., Du, Y., Yang, S., Du, X., Li, M., Lin, B., Yang, C. (2019). Bacterial Extracellular Electron Transfer Occurs in Mammalian Gut. Analytical Chemistry.

Yang, C. J., Wang, W., Yang, Q., Du, Y., Zhou, X., Du, X., … & Tan, W. Metabolic Labeling of Peptidoglycan with NIRII Dye Enables in vivo Imaging of Gut Microbiota. Angewandte Chemie.

Sha Liu, Jie Feng, Ji Pu, Xuefang Xu, Shan Lu, Jing Yang, Yiting Wang, Dong Jin, Xiaochen Du, Xiangli Meng, Xia Luo, Hui Sun, Yanwen Xiong, Changyun Ye, Ruiting Lan & Jianguo Xu (2019). Genomic and molecular characterisation of Escherichia marmotae from wild rodents in Qinghai-Tibet plateau as a potential pathogen. Scientific reports, 9(1), 10619.

Leclercq, S. O., Wang, C., Zhu, Y., Wu, H., Du, X., Liu, Z., & Feng, J. (2016). Diversity of the Tetracycline Mobilome within a Chinese Pig Manure Sample. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 82(21), 6454-6462.